Giulio Andreotti

Forum internazionale per la messa al bando delle armi chimiche, I e II sessione (Roma 1988)

Data1988 - 1989
ambiti e contenuto

Stesure in lingua italiana e inglese del discorso di Andreotti (19 maggio 1988); documento "International forum on total ban of chemical weapons: the verification of non-production of chemical weapons by the civilian chemical industry. II session. Rome, La Farnesina 15-19 december 1988".
A stampa: Proceedings of the International forum on total ban of chemical weapons: the problems of verification. Rome, Villa Madama 19/20 May 1988, Losanna, Edizioni Galileo Galilei, 1988 e Roma, Il cigno Galileo Galilei, 1989 (in testa al frontespizio: The Italian Minister for Foreign Affairs. The Ettore Majorana Centre for Scientific Culture);

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